Indicator 17.18.1 - Proportion of sustainable development indicators produced at the national level with full disaggregation when relevant to the target, in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
When data sources are populated, the table will appear here
Global Metadata
This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the United Nations Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata documentation on all indicators in Goal 17, unless otherwise noted, is provided by the UN Statistics Division.
SDG Indicator Name | Proportion of sustainable development indicators produced at the national level with full disaggregation when relevant to the target, in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics |
SDG Target Addressed | By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts. |
Definition of SDG Indicator | The ability of National Statistical Offices and other bodies within countries to report on the diversity of SDG indicators is itself a measure of capacity, particularly when we think about the eventual complexity of the indicator framework as well as the points of disaggregation. Right now, a number of the existing indicators are calculated or modeled at global level, and the purpose of this indicator is to measure the shift in that calculation process to the national level. Disaggregation would be assessed on the basis of the language of target 17.18, as well as the metadata and agreements on disaggregation for each indicator itself. The baseline and targets for this indicators will be determined in a later stage using trend data on the MDGs reporting and independent assessments of current capacity of countries for reporting towards the final results framework and indicators for the SDGs. |
UN Designated Tier | 3 |
UN Custodial Agency | UNSD (Partnering Agencies:UNEP, UNFPA) |
U.S. Metadata
This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from U.S. statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from U.S. statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other US-specific metadata information
Method of computation for global SDG indicator | |
Graph Title | |
Actual indicator available | |
Description of actual indicator available | |
Method of computation | |
Comments and limitations | |
Periodicity | |
Time Period | |
Unit of measure | |
Disaggregation #1 (Industry or social categories) | |
Disaggregation #2 (Geographical coverage) | |
Date of public data release from National source | |
Date of last Update of This Page | |
Scheduled Update by National source | |
Scheduled Update by SDG Team | |
Data Source1 (Agency STAFF NAME) | |
Data Source2 (Staff E-MAIL) | |
Data Source3 (Agency/Survey/Dataset name) | |
Indicator web address (closest to data provided) | |
International and National References |