Indicator 8.2.1 - Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
US annual growth rate of business sector labor productivity (output per hour)
US annual growth rate of business sector labor productivity (output per hour)
Global Metadata
This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the United Nations Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata documentation on all indicators in Goal 8, unless otherwise noted, is provided by the UN Statistics Division.
SDG Indicator Name | Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person |
SDG Target Addressed | Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value-added and labour-intensive sectors. |
Definition of SDG Indicator | This indicator is a measure of labour productivity growth, which is computed as the annual growth rate of: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at market prices for the aggregate economy divided by total employment. Employment refers to the average number of persons with one or more paid jobs during the year. |
UN Designated Tier | 1 |
UN Custodial Agency | ILO (Partnering Agencies: World Bank, UNSD) |
U.S. Metadata
This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from U.S. statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from U.S. statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other US-specific metadata information
Method of computation for global SDG indicator | |
Graph Title | US annual growth rate of business sector labor productivity (output per hour) |
Actual indicator available | Annual growth rate of business sector labor productivity (output per hour) |
Description of actual indicator available | The measure describes the relationship between real output and the labor time involved in its production. Measures of labor productivity growth show the changes from period to period in the amount of goods and services produced per hour worked. They reflect the joint effects of many influences, including changes in technology; capital investment; level of output; utilization of capacity, energy, and materials; the organization of production; managerial skill; and the characteristics and effort of the work force. |
Method of computation | Labor productivity, or output per hour, is calculated by dividing an index of real output by an index of hours worked of all persons, including employees, proprietors, and unpaid family workers. |
Comments and limitations | Business sector output is based on GDP, but includes only a subset of the goods and services included in GDP. The business sector comprises about 75 percent of GDP since it must exclude those portions of the economy for which productivity measures cannot be constructed. General government, the output of the employees of nonprofit institutions and private households, and the rental value of owner-occupied real estate are excluded. |
Periodicity | Annual, quarterly available |
Time Period | 1947-2016 available |
Unit of measure | Percent change |
Disaggregation #1 (Industry or social categories) | |
Disaggregation #2 (Geographical coverage) | |
Date of public data release from National source | |
Date of last Update of This Page | December 2016 |
Scheduled Update by National source | |
Scheduled Update by SDG Team | |
Data Source1 (Agency STAFF NAME) | Mark Dumas |
Data Source2 (Staff E-MAIL) | |
Data Source3 (Agency/Survey/Dataset name) | US Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Indicator web address (closest to data provided) | |
International and National References |